What a year it’s been.  As 2020 draws to a close, I will not even attempt to comment on what has been a most extraordinary year, except to say that we would like to salute the RVTS Registrars, supervisors and staff for their courage and perseverance, their passion and understanding, their strength and commitment and their support for each other.  We acknowledge the uncertainty and the sacrifices of 2020, in all its forms, and the character shown in overcoming every obstacle that has come your way. 

The start of training and RVTS workshop in Manly back in February 2020 feels like a lifetime ago – so much has happened since then.

Besides all the usual supervisor contact providing remote supervision, we’ve transitioned to tele-Clinical Teaching Visits, and completed 107 visits this year. These have been accepted as a resounding success, and provided valuable feedback to registrars in their communities.

In response to the COVID restrictions, the team arranged a virtual workshop to take the place of our Face to Face event in Brisbane. This included 31 virtual live sessions with many breakout rooms, and 2 new online courses to support the delivery of the virtual workshop content. Supervisors were also invited to a virtual workshop, and enjoyed collegiate learning online.

RVTS supported registrars through exam preparation for new as well as delayed and disrupted exams, delivering 37 exam prep webinars in total, converting the face to face “KFP Bootcamp” to a virtual event, and introducing a virtual RCE Bootcamp.

RVTS delivered 176 educational webinars, as well as the annual grand round with 66 attendees.

The RVTS team rose to the challenges of 2020, and made use of the opportunity to rethink how things could be done. RVTS Registrars and Supervisors adapted and participated with enthusiasm, and for this we thank and congratulate you.

There’s much to look forward to in 2021, but, for now, enjoy looking back at some of the memories from the year.