There are certain presentations we see commonly as GPs. At this time of the year, with new GP Registrars starting training, we know that the common can seem daunting to those new to general practice, and that common presentations have common pitfalls.

In this webinar excerpt from a few years ago, I discuss some common presentations with Meryl Nicol, a previous RVTS Registrar, now one of the Medical Educator team.

In Part 1, we discuss 3 presentations that new GP registrars will see frequently:

  • A patient presenting for childhood immunisations
  • A patient with acute on chronic lower back pack
  • A patient with non-specific Respiratory symptoms 

View the recording here: (14 min 25 sec)


Please note that this webinar was recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic, which may need to be taken into consideration in patients presenting in 2022. For the purposes of the discussion, assume that the patient has been advised and tested negative for COVID-19.

Also, the approach to these patients is AN approach: there is no perfect approach, and the luxury of GP consultations is the continuity of care and follow-up we can offer patients to determine if they are progressing as expected, or if additional thoughts need to be taken into consideration. Your particular population demographic and local resources would also influence how you approach each case.

We hope that the discussion in this recording can be taken further: consider what you may do differently in your local situation, and discuss these cases with your supervisor.

You may also consider reviewing the resources below: