Please note the content of this episode is more than four years old in a rapidly changing field.

Genetics is gaining prominence as time goes by, and as GPs, we need to keep up with the developments so that we can use the latest knowledge to our patient’s advantage, and also answer questions that may come our way (either from our patients or in exams!)

In this month’s webinar excerpt, we listen in on Dr Linda Mann’s webinar for a great overview of some of the issues and new tests that are around.

Dr Mann is a GP who works in the inner west of Sydney and a month a year in remote Northern Territory. She has particular interest in genetics and women’s health.

In this recording, we hear about Justin, a 4 year old with intellectual impairment and Jane, with a family history of cancer. We discuss specific conditions we can test for, prenatal testing, cancer genetics, direct to consumer genetic testing and insurance issues.

We hope you learned something from this discussion, and enjoyed it as much as we, and our registrars did.

There are many resources available for this topic. 

We’ve listed some that we’ve found useful below:

  1. Centre for Genetics Education:
  2. eviQ – Cancer Treatments Online:
  3. Genomics in general practice – RACGP Guidelines:
  4. Haemochromatosis Australia:
  5. Genetic and Rare Disease Network:
  6. MJA – Medicare-funded cancer genetic tests:
  7. AJGP – Genetics in general practice: